My self Manoranjan

I am a

About Me

Hello, I'm Manoranjan kumar, a dedicated and passionate web developer with a drive to create innovative and user-friendly online experiences. Currently, I am on an exciting journey towards furthering my knowledge and skills by pursuing a Master's degree at Kalinga University.

  • HTML CSS & JavaScript,PHP,React
  • Python, Java, C++
  • DBMS, SQL, Oracle, MongoDB


Hotel Management System image

Hotel Management System

The project, Hotel Management System is a web-based application that allows the hotel manager to handle all hotel activities online.

Tic Tac Toe Game image

Tic Tac Toe Game

Each player picks one word in turn and to win, a player must select three words with the same letter. The words may be plotted on a tic-tac-toe grid in such a way that a three-in-a-row line wins.

Sanke Game image

Sanke Game

Snake Game this game player paly the game using up down left and right arrow key and we store their high marks in local storage.

Analog Clock image

Analog Clock

This is a simple analog clock project implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. It displays the current time with hour, minute, and second hands on an analog clock face.

Ludo Game Image

Ludo Game

Ludo Game is a digital adaptation of the classic board game that brings the joy of rolling dice and racing tokens to your computer screen. This web-based version of Ludo is implemented using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Text Conveter

Welcome to the Text-Converter App.This project is built using React and is designed to provide text manipulation functionalities.




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